THE BLOG - 'By Design'

Parenting by Design. 

Infusing Human Design into Parenting & Homeschooling


Helping YOU Understand your own Human design and your child's Human design allows you to tailor Parenting & the homeschooling experience to their unique needs and strengths, fostering a more engaging, effective, and fulfilling educational journey. 

Allow me to support YOU in understanding Human Design & tailoring their education to their unique energy type

Get Started today & deeply nurture your child's learning experience


Family Relationship coach & Somatic Trauma Therapist. 

Gretel Uses Human design to support families & Neurodivergent families, this is why I have asked her to come on & chat with us today. 

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- The Blog - 


Everything I share here has been through my own growth journey & my lived experience

Exploring Human Design & Parenting by Design.

In our journey of homeschooling, we've embraced a revolutionary system that has transformed the way we approach education: Human Design. This system combines principles from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a unique personal chart for each individual. This chart acts as a blueprint of your innate wiring—how you’re designed to think, make decisions, and interact with the world. 🌌✨

Understanding Human Design

Human Design provides a comprehensive map of who we are at our core. It takes into account our energy type, inner authority, profile, and various other components that together outline our strengths, challenges, and natural tendencies. By understanding this unique blueprint, we can align our lives more closely with our true nature, leading to greater fulfilment and satisfaction.

What is Parenting by Design?

In Parenting by Design, we harness the insights from Human Design charts to customize our homeschooling methods. It’s about much more than academics; it's about aligning her educational journey with her 1/4 Generator design. Each lesson and activity is carefully chosen to resonate with her specific energy and learning style, making education not only more effective but also truly enjoyable. 📚🌀

Tailoring Education to Fit Her Design

1. Understanding Her Energy Type

As a 1/4 Generator, my daughter has a unique energy profile. Generators are known for their sustainable energy and need to respond to their environment. This means she thrives on engaging, hands-on activities where she can fully immerse herself in the experience. Traditional book learning often doesn’t engage her the same way as real-world, experiential learning does.

2. Creating Responsive Learning Environments

Human Design emphasises the importance of responding to what naturally resonates with the individual. In our homeschool, this means observing what activities she is naturally drawn to and designing our curriculum around these interests. For instance, she shows resistance to traditional workbook exercises but lights up when we explore the outdoors or engage in project-based learning. By incorporating more of these responsive activities, we make learning a joyful and meaningful experience for her.

3. Fostering Self-Awareness and Confidence

Integrating Human Design into our daily educational practices ensures that we honor her true nature, helping her grow in self-awareness. By understanding her design, she learns to appreciate her strengths and navigate her challenges. This knowledge fosters a strong sense of self and confidence, crucial for personal growth and fulfilment.

4. Balancing Academics with Emotional and Social Development

Education is not just about academic achievements; it’s about holistic development. Human Design provides insights into her emotional and social needs, allowing us to create a balanced approach to learning. For example, understanding her emotional patterns helps us manage her energy levels and prevent burnout. We include activities that support emotional intelligence and social skills, ensuring she grows as a well-rounded individual.

Practical Applications of Human Design in Homeschooling

Interactive and Hands-On Learning

Generators thrive on doing and creating. We incorporate activities that allow her to use her energy constructively. This could be anything from building models, conducting science experiments, or engaging in arts and crafts. These activities not only engage her but also help her learn by doing.

Flexible Schedules

Recognizing her natural energy peaks and troughs, we adopt a flexible schedule that aligns with her rhythms. This flexibility ensures that she is learning when she is most alert and engaged, making the educational process more effective.

Emotional Education

Human Design helps us understand her emotional makeup, which is essential for teaching emotional intelligence. We incorporate lessons on recognizing and managing emotions, fostering empathy, and developing social skills. These lessons are integrated into our daily routines and activities, making emotional learning a natural part of her education.

Social Skills Development

By understanding her design, we tailor social interactions to fit her needs. This could involve setting up playdates, participating in group activities, or engaging in community projects. These interactions help her develop essential social skills and build meaningful relationships.

The Long-Term Benefits

The benefits of using Human Design in our homeschooling approach extend beyond academic success. This personalised method nurtures her overall development, equipping her with the skills and mindset needed to navigate life confidently. It fosters a deeper understanding of herself and her place in the world, promoting lifelong personal growth and fulfilment.


Human Design has revolutionized our approach to homeschooling, transforming it into a journey of self-discovery and personalized education. By integrating these principles, we create a learning environment that truly honors her unique nature, ensuring that her potential is not just met but nurtured uniquely according to her design. Join us on this enlightening journey, where education meets self-discovery, and each child’s unique design is the guiding star. 🚀👧

Would you like your Human design done? Or your childs?

Why I Am Homeschooling: A Journey of Personalised Education

Choosing to homeschool my daughter was not just about opting out of traditional schooling; it was a conscious decision to craft an educational experience that truly honours her unique nature. As a parent, I am committed to nurturing her individuality, fostering her natural curiosity, and ensuring that her education is as dynamic and vibrant as she is. Here’s why I decided to take this path and how I’m integrating Human Design to make her learning journey truly personalized.

The Decision to Homeschool

When I first considered homeschooling, I thought about the myriad of possibilities it could offer. Traditional schools often follow a one-size-fits-all approach, which can sometimes stifle a child’s natural abilities and curiosity. I wanted something different for my daughter—something that would allow her to thrive, not just survive, in her educational environment.

Beyond the 9-to-5: A Different Way of Learning

Having built my own online business over the past three years, I have experienced firsthand the benefits of stepping outside the conventional 9-to-5 grind. This journey has not only been about professional fulfillment but also about setting an example for my daughter. I wanted to show her that there are alternative paths to success and that she doesn’t have to conform to traditional structures if they don’t serve her well.

Exposure to Entrepreneurship

In addition to my online business, our family also runs a supermarket. Through these experiences, my daughter has been exposed to the realities and rewards of entrepreneurship from an early age. This exposure is invaluable—it teaches her about hard work, creativity, and the importance of following one’s passions. I hope that by seeing these examples, she will understand the vast array of opportunities available to her and realize that she can carve her own path in life.

Integrating Human Design

One of the most transformative tools I’ve incorporated into our homeschooling journey is Human Design. Human Design is a system that combines principles from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a unique personal chart for each individual. This chart serves as a blueprint for understanding how a person is wired to think, feel, and interact with the world.

Honoring Her True Nature

By understanding my daughter’s Human Design, I can tailor her education to fit her unique needs and strengths. She is a 1/4 Generator, which means she thrives on dynamic, hands-on learning experiences. Traditional book learning often met with resistance, but when we shifted to outdoor, experiential learning, she flourished. This approach not only engages her more deeply but also aligns with her natural energy and curiosity.

Key Benefits of Human Design in Homeschooling

1. Tailored Learning Approach

Human Design helps me identify her natural learning style, allowing me to create lessons that are engaging and effective. For example, instead of rigid, structured tasks, we focus on interactive and project-based activities that keep her motivated.

2. Enhanced Motivation and Engagement

Activities aligned with her design lead to higher levels of interest and enthusiasm. When she is involved in hands-on projects or exploring nature, her engagement soars, and learning becomes a joy rather than a chore.

3. Improved Communication

Understanding her emotional and decision-making strategies has improved how we communicate about her education. We have more productive conversations about what she enjoys and what challenges her, making it easier to adjust our approach.

4. Emotional and Social Development

Tailoring her education to fit her unique design supports her overall emotional and social growth. She learns not only academics but also gains a deeper understanding of herself and how to navigate social interactions effectively.

5. Preventing Burnout

Recognizing her energy patterns helps us balance academic demands with appropriate rest and play, preventing burnout and ensuring she remains motivated and healthy.

6. Self-Discovery and Authentic Self-Expression

Teaching her about her own design fosters self-awareness and confidence. She learns to appreciate her strengths and understand her challenges, which is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment.


Homeschooling, with the integration of Human Design, has allowed us to create an educational experience that truly honors my daughter’s individuality. It’s about more than just learning academics; it’s about fostering her growth as a whole person, helping her develop a strong sense of self, and equipping her with the skills and mindset she needs to navigate the world confidently. By embracing this approach, I hope to show her that she can define her own path and that her education can be as unique and dynamic as she is.

Want to know this for you too?

Projector Mum Tip: Guide Their Play, You Don’t Have to Join In.

As a Projector mum, understanding your unique role in your child’s life is crucial. Unlike Generator children who have a consistent flow of energy, Projectors operate differently. Your role isn’t to match your child’s energy, but rather to guide and direct it. Here’s why guiding their play from the sidelines can be more beneficial than joining in every activity.

Energy Management

Understanding Your Energy: As a Projector, you don’t have the same consistent energy as your Generator child. Projectors are non-energy types, meaning your energy comes in waves and needs regular periods of rest to recharge. Trying to keep up with your child's boundless energy can lead to burnout and exhaustion.

Conserving Energy: By guiding your child’s play from the sidelines, you conserve your energy for more focused and intentional interactions. This approach allows you to be fully present and engaged when it truly matters, providing the best support and guidance for your child.

Insightful Guidance

Observing and Directing: Your strength as a Projector lies in your ability to provide insightful direction and observe how your child engages with their environment. By watching their play, you can understand their needs, interests, and behaviors better, allowing you to offer targeted encouragement and support.

Offering Support: Instead of participating in every activity, use your observations to offer advice and suggestions that can enhance their play experience. For example, if your child is building with blocks, you might suggest new ways to stack them or introduce a new challenge that aligns with their interests.

Encouraging Independence

Fostering Autonomy: One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is the ability to explore and play autonomously. By not joining in every activity, you promote their independence and creativity. Children learn best through exploration and self-directed play, which helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Building Confidence: When your child successfully engages in activities on their own, it builds their confidence and sense of accomplishment. They learn to rely on their own abilities and develop a stronger sense of self, which is crucial for their development.

Balanced Interaction

Meaningful Engagement: Balancing your interactions with your child is key. Engage in play when it’s meaningful and necessary, providing your full attention and presence. This ensures that the time you spend together is enriching and beneficial for both of you.

Space to Recharge: Allowing yourself the space to recharge is equally important. By taking breaks and observing from the sidelines, you ensure that you have the energy and clarity to be the best guide and support for your child.


Remember, as a Projector mum, your wisdom and guidance are invaluable. Embrace your unique role in your child’s life by guiding their play from the sidelines. This approach not only conserves your energy but also enhances your ability to provide insightful and effective support.

By fostering your child’s independence and creativity, you help them grow into confident and capable individuals. Balanced interactions ensure that you remain a source of wisdom and strength for your child, without depleting your own energy reserves.

Embrace your role, trust in your guidance, and watch your child thrive!


Q: Do you know what your design is? Your unique energy?

Q: And how you can work in harmony with your child energy?

Ask me how you can uncover & explore your energy & how to make it work for you both in Parenting & Homeschooling.

How you can learn more

Using Human Design to Enhance Homeschooling

Human Design is a system that combines principles from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a unique personal chart for each individual. This chart serves as a blueprint for understanding how a person is wired to think, feel, and interact with the world. Integrating Human Design into homeschooling can help tailor educational approaches to fit a child's unique needs and strengths. This blog post explores how using Human Design can enhance homeschooling, leading to improved outcomes for both the child and the parent.

Understanding Human Design: Human Design provides insights into:

  • Energy Types: Different energy types (Generators, Projectors, Manifestors, Reflectors) have unique ways of processing information and interacting with their environment.
  • Decision-Making Strategies: Understanding a child's decision-making process can help parents guide them more effectively.
  • Emotional and Social Needs: Human Design charts highlight a child's emotional patterns and social tendencies, allowing for personalised support.

Benefits of Integrating Human Design in Homeschooling:

  1. Tailored Learning Approach: Human Design helps identify a child's natural learning style, making it easier to create engaging and effective educational experiences.
  2. Enhanced Motivation and Engagement: Activities aligned with a child's design can lead to higher levels of interest and enthusiasm for learning.
  3. Improved Communication: Understanding a child's emotional and decision-making strategies improves how parents and children communicate about their education.
  4. Emotional and Social Development: Tailoring education to fit a child's unique design supports their overall emotional and social growth.
  5. Preventing Burnout: Recognising a child's energy patterns helps prevent burnout by balancing academic demands with appropriate rest and play.
  6. Self-Discovery and Authentic Self-Expression: Human Design fosters a deeper understanding of oneself, allowing both the parent and the child to develop a strong sense of self and authenticity.

Practical Applications of Human Design in Homeschooling:

  • Interactive and Hands-On Learning: For example, Generators thrive on activities that allow them to use their energy in engaging ways.
  • Flexible Schedules: Adjusting learning times to match a child's natural energy peaks and troughs.
  • Emotional Education: Incorporating lessons on emotional intelligence and self-awareness based on the child's design.
  • Social Skills Development: Tailoring social interactions and group activities to fit the child's social tendencies.

Using Human Design in homeschooling offers a personalised approach to education that honours a child's unique nature. By understanding and integrating Human Design principles, parents can create a supportive and effective learning environment that fosters academic success, emotional health, and personal growth. This holistic approach not only enhances educational outcomes but also strengthens the parent-child relationship, ensuring that both thrive in their homeschooling journey.

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Nurturing Emotional Development in Middle Childhood

Introduction: Middle childhood, spanning ages 6 to 11, is a pivotal period for emotional development. This stage is characterised by significant growth in a child’s ability to understand and manage complex emotions, develop empathy, and enhance social skills.

Ensuring proper emotional nurturing during this time is crucial for fostering well-rounded and emotionally healthy individuals. This blog post explores the key milestones of emotional development in middle childhood and provides practical strategies for parents and educators to support this crucial stage.

Understanding Middle Childhood Emotional Development: During middle childhood, children begin to:

  • Recognise and Label Complex Emotions: They move beyond basic emotions like happiness and sadness to understand more nuanced feelings such as jealousy, guilt, and pride.
  • Develop Emotional Regulation: Children learn to manage their emotions, control impulses, and respond to emotional situations in socially appropriate ways.
  • Build Empathy: This stage is crucial for developing the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, a key component of healthy social interactions.

Effective Nurturing Strategies: To support emotional development, parents and educators can:

  • Teach About Emotions: Use age-appropriate language to help children recognise and label their feelings.
  • Model Appropriate Behaviour: Demonstrate how to manage emotions effectively in various situations.
  • Provide Opportunities for Practice: Engage children in activities that promote emotional and social skills, such as group projects, role-playing, and cooperative games.

Practical Activities to Foster Emotional Growth:

  • Interactive Games and Role-Playing: Activities like charades or emotion-themed board games can make learning about feelings fun and engaging.
  • Group Activities and Peer Interactions: Encourage participation in team sports, group projects, and social clubs to build cooperation and empathy.
  • Open Communication: Create an environment where children feel safe expressing their emotions and discussing their experiences.

Long-Term Effects of Inadequate Emotional Nurturing in Children

Proper emotional nurturing during middle childhood is essential for healthy development. When children do not receive adequate support during this crucial stage, it can lead to several long-term negative effects. This blog post explores the potential consequences of inadequate emotional nurturing and highlights the importance of providing the necessary support for children's emotional development.

Consequences of Inadequate Emotional Nurturing:

  1. Delayed Emotional Regulation: Children may struggle to control impulses, manage stress, and respond appropriately to emotional situations.
  2. Impaired Empathy Development: Lack of nurturing can hinder the development of empathy, making it difficult for children to understand and relate to others' feelings.
  3. Social Skill Deficits: Without proper support, children may have trouble making and maintaining friendships, as they lack essential social skills like sharing, cooperating, and negotiating.
  4. Academic and Behavioral Problems: Emotional and social skills are linked to academic performance and behavior in school. Children with poor emotional regulation may face more conflicts, lower academic achievement, and increased behavioral issues.
  5. Lower Self-Esteem and Confidence: Difficulty in processing and managing emotions can lead to feelings of inadequacy and decreased self-confidence.
  6. Increased Risk of Mental Health Issues: Poor emotional nurturing can contribute to the development of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and personality disorders later in life.


Conclusion: Nurturing emotional development during middle childhood is vital for raising emotionally intelligent and socially capable individuals. By teaching children about emotions, modelling appropriate behaviour, and providing opportunities for practice, parents and educators can significantly impact their emotional growth and future well-being.

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"A child is a child; they will adapt and thrive in any learning environment. All kids are naturally energetic and curious, so why complicate their education with something like Human Design?"


This is a common sentiment among parents and educators.

However, while children are indeed adaptable and curious, each child is unique in how they learn, interact, and thrive. Understanding these individual differences through Human Design can significantly enhance their educational experience.

The Limitations of a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Traditional education systems often rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, which can lead to disengagement and frustration for many children. While some children may indeed adapt and do well, others may struggle to fit into the conventional mold. This can result in a lack of motivation, stress, and even a negative attitude towards learning.

Human Design offers a framework to understand and cater to these individual differences. By recognizing that each child has a unique way of processing information, managing energy, and interacting with their environment, we can tailor their educational experience to better suit their needs.

Understanding Human Design

Human Design combines elements from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a unique blueprint for each individual. This blueprint reveals how a person is designed to think, make decisions, and interact with the world. For children, this means understanding their natural learning styles, energy levels, and how they best engage with others.

Benefits of Using Human Design in Education

  1. Personalised Learning: Human Design allows for a personalised approach to education. By understanding a child's specific design, parents and educators can create learning environments that align with the child's natural tendencies. This can lead to increased engagement and a love for learning.

  2. Enhanced Engagement: Children are more likely to be engaged and motivated when their education is tailored to their unique needs. Human Design helps identify what excites and interests a child, allowing for more meaningful and effective learning experiences.

  3. Balanced Development: Beyond academics, Human Design considers emotional and social development. By understanding a child's emotional needs and how they interact with others, we can create a more holistic educational experience that supports overall well-being.

  4. Reduced Stress and Burnout: Recognising and honouring a child's natural energy rhythms can prevent burnout. For example, Generators thrive on activities that exhaust their energy, leading to satisfaction and better sleep. Projectors, on the other hand, need more rest and less consistent energy expenditure. Tailoring activities accordingly can make a significant difference in their overall happiness and health.

Addressing Common Misconceptions

"All kids are naturally energetic and curious."

While it's true that children have a natural curiosity, the way they express and manage their energy varies widely. Human Design helps identify these differences, allowing for more effective energy management.

"Why complicate their education?"

Using Human Design isn't about complicating education; it's about making it more efficient and effective. By understanding a child's unique design, we can simplify their learning process, reducing frustration and enhancing their natural strengths.

Practical Steps to take:

  1. Get a Human Design Reading: Start by obtaining a Human Design reading for your child. This will provide insights into their unique blueprint.

  2. Create a Tailored Learning Plan: Use the information from the reading to develop a learning plan that aligns with your child's natural tendencies. Focus on activities that match their energy levels and learning styles.

  3. Observe and Adjust: Pay attention to how your child responds to different activities. Be prepared to adjust the plan as needed to ensure it continues to meet their evolving needs.

  4. Foster Independence: Encourage your child to take an active role in their learning. Use their Human Design to guide them in making decisions that feel right for them.


And If you want ALL THE ABOVE - I have the offering for you!!


While all children are adaptable and curious, understanding their unique Human Design can significantly enhance their educational experience. By personalizing their learning journey, we can help them thrive in a way that honors their individual strengths and needs. Human Design isn't about complicating education—it's about making it more tailored, effective, and fulfilling for every child.

Check out the Empowered Education Method infusing Human design

The Importance of Expelling Energy for Generators in Human Design

In Human Design, Generators are known for their abundant energy and need to use it up throughout the day. This characteristic is tied to their defined Sacral Center, which is the hub of life force and work energy. Understanding this aspect of Generators is crucial for ensuring their emotional and psychological well-being. Let’s delve into why expelling energy is vital for Generators and explore practical ways to help them manage their energy effectively.

Why Expelling Energy is Important for Generators

Avoids Restlessness Generators often feel restless or have difficulty sleeping if they haven’t used up their energy during the day. Their bodies and minds are wired to engage actively in work or play, and without sufficient energy expenditure, they may struggle to relax and unwind at the end of the day.

Increases Satisfaction Completing tasks and actively engaging in productive or fulfilling activities is essential for Generators. This sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is crucial for their emotional and psychological well-being. When they use up their energy constructively, Generators feel more content and fulfilled.

Prepares for a New Day By fully expending their energy each day, Generators can go to bed feeling accomplished and ready to rest. This complete utilization of energy ensures that they start the next day fresh, without carrying over any unresolved energy or stress from the previous day.

Some Practical Ways to Expel Energy

Physical Activity Engaging in sports, exercise, or even playful activities with children can be highly effective for Generators. Whether it’s a game of soccer, a bike ride, or a dance session, physical activities help them burn off excess energy and feel more relaxed.

Creative Projects Generators thrive on investing their energy in creative or constructive projects that align with their interests or passions. Activities like painting, building models, gardening, or crafting can provide a fulfilling outlet for their abundant energy.

Social Interaction Participating in social activities allows Generators to express themselves freely and engage actively with others. Whether it’s a group project, a social event, or a community activity, social interaction can help them use up their energy while fostering a sense of connection and belonging.

Completing Tasks Finishing daily tasks or projects, especially those that are physically engaging or require substantial mental focus, can be very satisfying for Generators. This could include household chores, cooking, organizing, or working on personal projects. The key is to keep them actively engaged and focused.

Sample Application for my daughter:

For a child like Poppy, who is a Generator, ensuring she has ample opportunity to engage in activities that drain her energy in a fulfilling way is essential for her overall well-being. Here are some tailored suggestions for Poppy:

  • Morning Exercises: Start the day with a fun exercise routine, such as jumping jacks, yoga, or a short run around the yard. This can help kickstart her day with a burst of energy.
  • Creative Play: Set up a craft station where she can engage in activities like drawing, painting, or building with blocks. Allow her to follow her interests and immerse herself in creative projects.
  • Outdoor Adventures: Plan regular outdoor activities such as hiking, playing at the park, or exploring nature trails. These activities can help her burn off energy while enjoying the outdoors.
  • Interactive Learning: Incorporate hands-on learning activities that require movement and engagement, such as science experiments, gardening, or interactive educational games.
  • Social Activities: Arrange playdates or group activities where she can interact and play with other children, providing both physical exercise and social stimulation.


All of these may sound obvious, but they are crucial in understanding what your child's energy is like & scheduling activities to utilise it. So they aren't sitting down harbouring their energy. 


Understanding the importance of expelling energy for Generators is key to supporting their well-being. By ensuring that they have ample opportunities to engage in productive and fulfilling activities, we can help them manage their energy effectively and maintain a sense of satisfaction and balance. For children like Poppy, this approach can lead to a more harmonious and enjoyable homeschooling experience, fostering both their physical and emotional health.

Embrace the unique energy dynamics of Generators and create an environment that supports their need for active engagement and accomplishment. Your Generator child will thank you for it, as they thrive in a setting that truly honours their energetic nature.


Do you know what Design / Energy type your child is? IF NOT and you want to - I can help you.


Check out The Empowered Education Method

Diving into Poppy's Investigator Profile (Line 1) and Her Learning Style


Understanding the nuances of a child's Human Design can offer profound insights into their learning style and needs. Poppy's Human Design includes the Investigator profile (Line 1), which highlights her natural curiosity and drive to understand the world. By exploring this aspect of her design, we can tailor her educational experience to better suit her innate tendencies.

The Investigator Profile (Line 1)

Innate Curiosity: Poppy’s Investigator profile means she has an inherent desire to delve deeply into subjects that interest her. She’s not satisfied with superficial knowledge; she wants to understand the inner workings and details of everything she encounters. This trait is a cornerstone of her learning style.

Thirst for Knowledge: Children with the Investigator profile are often seen as the ones who ask endless questions and are eager to learn. Poppy’s curiosity drives her to seek out information, making her a natural researcher and learner.

Learning Approach for the Investigator (Line 1)

Provide Ample Resources: To support Poppy’s investigative nature, it’s crucial to provide a wealth of resources. This can include:

  • Books: Ensure she has access to a variety of books on topics she’s interested in.
  • Educational Videos: Use educational videos to supplement her reading and provide visual explanations.
  • Hands-On Experiments: Engage her with hands-on experiments that allow her to explore and learn through doing.

Encourage and Facilitate Questions: Creating an environment where Poppy feels comfortable asking questions is vital. Encourage her to be inquisitive and support her quest for answers. This can be done by:

  • Open Discussions: Have regular discussions where she can share what she’s learned and ask further questions.
  • Research Projects: Assign small research projects that allow her to explore a topic deeply and present her findings.

Structured Exploration: While Poppy thrives on exploration, she also benefits from some structure to her learning. Helping her organize her findings and thoughts can enhance her learning experience. Tips for structured exploration include:

  • Learning Journals: Encourage her to keep a journal where she notes down what she learns each day.
  • Mind Maps: Use mind maps to help her visually organize information and see connections between different pieces of knowledge.
  • Scheduled Learning Time: Set aside specific times for her to dive into her research and studies, ensuring she has uninterrupted periods to focus deeply.

Practical Examples of Supporting Poppy’s Investigator Profile

Science Exploration: Poppy shows an interest in science, especially biology. Provide her with a microscope, slides, and books about plants and animals. Encourage her to make observations, take notes, and draw diagrams.

History and Stories: If Poppy is curious about history, supply her with historical fiction books, documentaries, and visits to museums. Discuss historical events and their impact, and encourage her to ask questions about the past.

Creative Projects: For a hands-on project, consider building a small garden together. Let Poppy research the best plants for your area, understand the growing process, and document the garden’s progress.


Embracing Poppy’s Investigator profile (Line 1) in her Human Design allows us to create a learning environment that fuels her curiosity and supports her deep desire to understand the world. By providing ample resources, encouraging questions, and offering structured exploration, we can help Poppy thrive in her educational journey.

Understanding and nurturing her innate tendencies not only makes learning more enjoyable for her but also fosters a lifelong love for discovery and knowledge. Let’s celebrate and support Poppy’s unique learning style, ensuring she has the tools and environment she needs to explore and grow.

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Diving into Poppy's Opportunist Profile (Line 4) and Her Learning Style


Understanding the nuances of a child's Human Design can offer profound insights into their learning style and needs. Poppy's Human Design includes the Opportunist profile (Line 4), which emphasises the importance of social connections in her learning process. By exploring this aspect of her design, we can tailor her educational experience to better suit her natural tendencies.

The Opportunist Profile (Line 4)

Social Connections: The Opportunist profile means Poppy thrives on building and maintaining strong relationships. She learns best through social interactions and collaborative activities, where she can share her discoveries and ideas with others. This social nature is a cornerstone of her learning style.

Network and Influence: Children with the Opportunist profile are often seen as natural networkers who enjoy engaging with their community. Poppy’s social energy drives her to seek out connections and learn from her interactions.

Learning Approach for the Opportunist (Line 4)

Group Activities: Poppy benefits immensely from group learning sessions and collaborative projects. These activities provide her with the opportunity to interact with peers and learn through shared experiences.

  • Study Groups: Organise study groups where Poppy can discuss subjects with her peers, enhancing her understanding through conversation.
  • Team Projects: Engage her in team projects that require cooperation and collective problem-solving.

Playdates and Social Learning: Regular social interactions, such as playdates, help Poppy develop essential social skills and learn effectively.

  • Interactive Play: Arrange playdates that include structured and unstructured play, allowing her to explore social dynamics and build relationships.
  • Role-Playing: Use role-playing games to teach social skills and empathy, helping her understand different perspectives.

Community Engagement: Poppy thrives when she is part of a community. Encouraging her to participate in community events or clubs that align with her interests can enhance her learning through social interaction.

  • Local Clubs: Sign her up for local clubs or groups that focus on her interests, such as a nature club, art class, or sports team.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Involve her in age-appropriate volunteer activities that teach the value of community service and collaboration.

Practical Examples of Supporting Poppy’s Opportunist Profile

Collaborative Science Projects: If Poppy is interested in science, involve her in group experiments or projects. For example, a simple project like building a volcano with friends can be both educational and socially engaging.

Reading and Discussion Groups: Form a reading group where Poppy can discuss books with other children. This not only satisfies her love for reading but also allows her to learn through discussion and shared insights.

Art and Craft Sessions: Organise art and craft sessions with peers. These activities encourage creativity while fostering a collaborative environment where ideas and techniques are shared.


Embracing Poppy’s Opportunist profile (Line 4) in her Human Design allows us to create a learning environment that leverages her social strengths and love for collaboration. By incorporating group activities, encouraging social interactions, and engaging with the community, we can help Poppy thrive academically and socially.

Supporting Poppy’s unique learning style not only makes education more enjoyable for her but also fosters essential social skills and a sense of belonging. Let’s celebrate and support Poppy’s natural tendencies, ensuring she has the tools and environment she needs to grow and succeed.

Connect with me to learn more

Sounds incredible & so very valuable! 

Understanding your own Human design and your child's Human design allows you to tailor Parenting OR your homeschooling experience to their unique needs and strengths, fostering a more engaging, effective, and fulfilling educational journey.


Using Human Design to Support Children Through Grief

Grief is a complex emotion that can be particularly challenging for children to navigate. Understanding and leveraging Human Design principles can offer personalized support to help children manage their grief more effectively. This blog post delves into the different Human Design energy types and authorities, providing examples of how parents can support their children based on these unique aspects.

Understanding Human Design

Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a blueprint of an individual's unique energetic makeup. It consists of different energy types, authorities, and profiles, each offering insights into how a person interacts with the world and processes emotions.

Energy Types and Support Strategies

  1. Generators


    • Generators have a sustainable energy source.
    • They thrive on doing work they love and need to expend their energy constructively.

    Support Strategies:

    • Physical Activities: Encourage activities such as sports, dance, or other physical exercises. These activities help Generators channel their energy and process emotions.
    • Creative Projects: Activities like painting, crafting, or building models can help them express their grief and keep their energy flowing positively.
    • Consistent Routine: Maintaining a stable and predictable daily routine can provide a sense of security and help stabilize their emotions.
  2. Manifestors


    • Manifestors are natural initiators with a strong drive to make things happen.
    • They value independence and freedom.

    Support Strategies:

    • Autonomy in Activities: Allow Manifestors the freedom to choose how they want to express their emotions, whether through writing, creating, or engaging in projects they initiate.
    • Inform Before Acting: Keep them informed about changes or upcoming events to prevent feelings of restriction or frustration.
    • Space to Process: Give them space to process their emotions independently, intervening only when necessary.
  3. Projectors


    • Projectors are guides and managers, often needing recognition and invitation to share their insights.
    • They do not have a consistent energy supply like Generators or Manifestors.

    Support Strategies:

    • Quiet Time: Ensure they have quiet, undisturbed time to reflect and process their emotions.
    • Recognition: Acknowledge their feelings and insights, validating their experiences and providing emotional support.
    • Guided Activities: Offer structured activities that align with their interests, allowing them to delve deeply into a subject or hobby.
  4. Reflectors


    • Reflectors are highly sensitive and reflective of their environment.
    • They need time to process and make decisions, as their energy cycles with the lunar phases.

    Support Strategies:

    • Calm Environments: Create a calm and supportive environment that reflects stability and peace.
    • Time to Process: Give them ample time to understand and express their feelings, aligning with their natural cycles.
    • Supportive Community: Ensure they have a supportive network of friends and family who can provide diverse perspectives and emotional support.

Authorities and Personalised Support

  1. Emotional Authority (Solar Plexus)


    • Individuals with an emotional authority experience emotions in waves.
    • Decision-making is best after waiting for emotional clarity.

    Support Strategies:

    • Acknowledge Emotional Waves: Recognize that their grief may come in cycles of high and low intensity.
    • Patience and Space: Allow them time to reach emotional clarity without pressuring them to move on quickly.
    • Safe Emotional Expression: Provide a safe space for them to express their feelings openly and without judgment.
  2. Sacral Authority


    • Individuals with sacral authority make decisions based on their gut responses.
    • They have a consistent access to life force energy.

    Support Strategies:

    • Immediate Feedback: Help them tune into their gut responses by asking yes/no questions about their feelings and needs.
    • Engage in Enjoyable Activities: Encourage activities that resonate with their immediate interests to help them stay connected to their sacral energy.
  3. Splenic Authority


    • Individuals with splenic authority rely on their instincts and immediate intuitive hits.
    • Their decision-making is spontaneous and in the moment.

    Support Strategies:

    • Trust Their Instincts: Encourage them to trust their immediate feelings and instincts about how to cope with their grief.
    • Support Immediate Needs: Provide immediate support based on their spontaneous needs and desires.


Using Human Design to support children through grief offers a tailored approach that respects each child's unique energetic blueprint.

By understanding and applying the principles of Human Design, parents can provide more effective and compassionate support, helping their children navigate their emotions and find healing.

Through activities, routines, and emotional validation aligned with their child's design, parents can empower their children to cope with grief in a way that feels natural and supportive.


Supporting a Child with ADHD Using Human Design



Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can present unique challenges for children, affecting their ability to focus, stay organized, and manage their energy effectively. Human Design, a system that provides deep insights into an individual's natural tendencies and energetic blueprint, can be a valuable tool in supporting children with ADD. By understanding and honoring a child's unique Human Design, parents and educators can create a more supportive and effective learning environment.

Understanding Human Design and ADD

Human Design combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a unique chart for each individual. This chart reveals how a person is designed to think, make decisions, and interact with the world. For children with ADD, understanding their Human Design can help identify their natural strengths and challenges, providing a framework for personalized support.

Key Human Design Aspects for Supporting ADD

  1. Type and Energy Management:

    • Generators and Manifesting Generators: These children have abundant energy that needs to be expended through engaging activities. Structured yet flexible routines can help them manage their energy and maintain focus.
    • Projectors: Projectors benefit from focused, short periods of activity followed by rest. They thrive on guidance and recognition, making it important to provide clear instructions and positive reinforcement.
    • Manifestors: Manifestors need the freedom to initiate activities. Providing them with autonomy while setting clear boundaries can help them stay engaged and focused.
    • Reflectors: Reflectors require a calm, stable environment. Regular check-ins and adaptive schedules that honor their sensitivity to their surroundings can support their unique needs.
  2. Profile and Learning Style:

    • Investigator (Line 1): Children with this profile need access to detailed information and resources to satisfy their curiosity. Providing them with research projects and deep dives into subjects of interest can keep them engaged.
    • Opportunist (Line 4): These children thrive in social settings and learn best through interactions. Group activities and collaborative projects can enhance their learning experience.
  3. Centers and Energy Flow:

    • Defined and Undefined Centers: Understanding which centers are defined (consistent energy) and undefined (variable energy) can provide insights into how a child processes information and manages stress. For example, an undefined Sacral Center might indicate a need for more frequent breaks and rest periods.

Practical Strategies for Supporting ADD with Human Design

  1. Personalized Routines: Create routines that align with the child's Human Design type. For example, Generators may benefit from a mix of physical activity and focused tasks, while Projectors might need shorter, more intense learning sessions followed by breaks.

  2. Engaging Activities: Tailor activities to the child's interests and strengths. Investigators can engage in research projects, while Opportunists might thrive in group work and social interactions.

  3. Clear Instructions and Positive Reinforcement: Provide clear, concise instructions and use positive reinforcement to keep the child motivated. Recognize and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small.

  4. Environmental Adjustments: Create a learning environment that suits the child's needs. For Reflectors, this might mean a calm, distraction-free space, while Manifestors might need an environment that allows for autonomy and creativity.

  5. Regular Check-Ins: Conduct regular check-ins to assess how the child is feeling and whether any adjustments are needed. This can help identify when they are feeling overwhelmed or disengaged and allow for timely interventions.


Human Design offers a powerful framework for understanding and supporting children with ADD. By recognizing and honoring a child's unique design, parents and educators can create a more supportive and effective learning environment. This personalized approach not only helps manage the challenges of ADD but also fosters a child's natural strengths and passions, leading to a more fulfilling and successful educational experience.

Embrace the insights provided by Human Design to support your child with ADD, and watch them thrive in an environment tailored to their unique needs and potential.


Nutrition and Human Design: Supporting Different Energy Types

Understanding your child’s Human Design can provide valuable insights into how to support their health and well-being through tailored nutrition. For children like Poppy, who is a Generator, aligning her diet with her natural energy type can help manage her energy levels and enhance her overall health. Here’s how you can tailor Poppy’s diet to support her Generator energy type effectively, and what nutrition might look like for other energy types in Human Design.

Recommended Foods for Generators

Generators, such as Poppy, have a defined Sacral Center, which equips them with robust digestive systems. To support their energy and health, focusing on a balanced diet that includes the following is essential:

1. Plant-Based Proteins:

  • Foods such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, and tofu are excellent sources of plant-based proteins. These foods provide essential nutrients and help maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

2. Complex Carbohydrates:

  • Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and oats are ideal for sustained energy release. These complex carbohydrates prevent energy dips and keep Generators feeling satisfied and energized.

3. Healthy Fats:

  • Incorporating healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, supports brain function and overall health. Healthy fats are crucial for maintaining energy levels and supporting various bodily functions.

4. Fruits and Vegetables:

  • A variety of colorful fruits and vegetables ensure a rich intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These foods not only boost immune function but also provide the necessary nutrients for optimal energy and health.

Practical Tips for Generator Nutrition

Regular Meals:

  • Generators benefit from eating regular, balanced meals. This practice helps prevent energy dips and keeps them feeling satisfied throughout the day. Establishing a consistent eating schedule can support stable energy levels.

Listening to Hunger Signals:

  • Encourage Poppy to respond to her hunger cues and choose foods that make her feel expansive and energized. Foods that lead to feelings of contraction or sluggishness should be minimized. Listening to her body’s responses ensures she eats what truly nourishes her.

Avoiding Overeating:

  • While Generators have strong digestive systems, it's important to avoid overeating. Overeating can lead to discomfort and disrupt energy balance. Teaching Poppy to eat until she is satisfied, rather than full, can help maintain her energy levels.

Sample Breakfast for a Generator Child

A balanced breakfast that includes plant-based proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fruits or vegetables can support Poppy’s energy needs. Here’s an example:

Quinoa and Egg Breakfast Bowl with Avocado and Berries:


  • 1/2 cup quinoa, cooked
  • 1 egg, cooked (scrambled, poached, or boiled)
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • 1/4 cup mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • Drizzle of honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • Splash of almond milk or any preferred milk


  1. Cook the Quinoa: Prepare quinoa according to package instructions. Use water or almond milk for cooking.
  2. Cook the Egg: Cook the egg in your preferred style (scrambled, poached, or boiled).
  3. Assemble the Bowl: In a bowl, combine the cooked quinoa, cooked egg, sliced avocado, and mixed berries.
  4. Add Toppings: Sprinkle chia seeds over the bowl, add a dollop of almond butter, and drizzle with honey or maple syrup if desired.
  5. Finish with Milk: Add a splash of almond milk to bring everything together.

This breakfast bowl not only supports Poppy's energy needs but also ensures she starts her day with a satisfying and nutritious meal, aligning with her Generator energy type's requirements.

Nutrition for Other Human Design Energy Types

1. Projectors: Projectors do not have a consistent energy source like Generators and often need to manage their energy carefully. Their diet should support light, frequent meals that do not overwhelm their digestive system.

Recommended Foods:

  • Light Proteins: Lean meats, fish, eggs, and tofu.
  • Easily Digestible Carbs: Rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes.
  • Healthy Fats: Avocado, olive oil, and nuts.
  • Hydrating Foods: Cucumbers, melons, and leafy greens.

2. Manifestors: Manifestors thrive on independence and freedom, which extends to their eating habits. They benefit from a varied diet that provides quick energy for their spontaneous bursts of activity.

Recommended Foods:

  • Quick Snacks: Nuts, seeds, and fruit bars.
  • High-Energy Foods: Whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  • Variety: Incorporating a wide range of foods to keep their diet interesting and balanced.

3. Reflectors: Reflectors are highly sensitive to their environment and can benefit from a diet that supports their overall sensitivity and need for balance.

Recommended Foods:

  • Balanced Diet: A mix of proteins, carbs, and fats.
  • Organic and Fresh Foods: Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods.
  • Adaptogenic Foods: Foods that help manage stress, like mushrooms, herbs, and teas.


By focusing on these dietary guidelines, you can help Poppy manage her energy effectively and support her overall well-being. For more detailed information and personalized dietary advice, consider consulting a holistic nutritionist or exploring resources on Human Design and nutrition. Understanding and honoring Poppy’s unique design will not only boost her health but also enhance her ability to thrive in all aspects of life.

For additional insights and a deeper dive into how to eat according to Human Design, you can check out resources like Namataste Nutrition's guide on digestion by Human Design and the My Human Design platform.